
Since 2015, TANZ_TAUSCH has been supporting the scene through co-productions. Thanks to the Reconnect funding from BUREAU RITTER, in 2022 TANZ_TAUSCH was able to co-produce two artists. Also, the funding enabled all partners to host residencies. With showcase formats, festivals and network meetings as well as via coaching and mentoring, TANZ_TAUSCH enables choreographers, dancers and performance artists to pitch their work to a specialist audience. In addition, the measure help them to expand their network.

➞ Residencies
➞ Audience events
➞ Showcases
➞ Networking events
➞ Coaching + Mentorings


Since 2015, TANZ_TAUSCH has been supporting the scene through co-productions. Thanks to the Reconnect funding from BUREAU RITTER, in 2022 TANZ_TAUSCH was able to co-produce two artists. Also, the funding enabled all partners to host residencies. With showcase formats, festivals and network meetings as well as via coaching and mentoring, TANZ_TAUSCH enables choreographers, dancers and performance artists to pitch their work to a specialist audience. In addition, the measure help them to expand their network.

➞ Residencies
➞ Audience events
➞ Showcases
➞ Networking events
➞ Coaching + Mentorings